We believe for every legitimate need there is a Christian person or group fully capable to meet it in the name of Christ. Therefore we intend to find and work with every willing person and use every available means to multiply need-meeting, hurt-healing, hope-building ministries to meet these needs in a way that honors Christ. While local churches do a tremendous service, God plants additional ministries to enhance and multiply the community impact of his Church. Traditionally known as "Para-Church" ministries, these works are started by someone moved by God to meet a need, heal a hurt and restore hope in people whom the church is not yet reaching effectively. Youth for Christ, Campus Crusade For Christ (CRU), Salvation Army, Samaritans Purse, for example, reach millions. We believe God is calling Christians to start as many as 100,000 new works here in America, and many more globally in the next 10-20 years. These micro church ministries will be God's way to empower Christ followers to reach everyone on the planet. There are many existing Nonprofit Ministries already serving Christ across America and the world every day. What would happen if they found ways to work together to find and meet needs more effectively and efficiently? We believe God is calling ministries to unite and partner with God and each other to meet needs. The IAM Affiliate program seeks to support and unite existing Christian nonprofit ministries. In addition, though there are about 300,000 churches in America, there are approximately 30 million small to large businesses in the U.S. Think for a moment what would happen if the average business started or adopted a small local charity/ministry that met the needs of 10-15 people or families a year. The IAM Community Partners program is one way to plant and nourish this mission. READY TO PLANT A NEW MINISTRY? Starting and building a ministry (or moving from an existing ministry to form another) is not for everyone, but if you have it in your heart, IAM will provide the support systems you need to succeed and grow. Ministries and causes under IAM receive virtually every legal and corporate provision necessary to carry on a successful ministry. As an IAM MEMBER ministry you are immediately considered a non-profit 501(c)3 Corporation. No waiting time, no state and federal regulations to sort through to submit and await acceptance. We take care of your banking, payroll, donor receipts, liability insurance, employee tax, etc. You receive regular summaries on your expenses, income and donor giving. All you have to do is minister. Because you are a member of a ministry community you can share ideas, network, collaborate on projects and increase your skills as a ministry leader. You also have access to mentors and coaches with years of experience in ministry and business. Additionally, there is opportunity to receive training in leadership and ministry practices which will further enhance your confidence and skills. DO YOU ALREADY HAVE A 501(c)3? You can become an IAM AFFILIATE and connect with a wider community of ministry leaders benefiting from the added advantages mentioned above. Affiliates join for a variety of reasons...
ARE YOU A CHRISTIAN BUSINESSPERSON WANTING TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE? If you're in business to help people, and you're a committed Christ follower, the IAM Community Partners program may be your next step. IAM COMMUNITY PARTNERS work together with the Church, Para Church and Marketplace to multiply and support Need-meeting, Hurt-healing, Hope-building ministries in local communities throughout our region. Because true partnership implies mutual effort and benefit, the entire IAM Ministry Team, which thus far includes about 50 different ministries, their leaders, donors and families are encouraged to elevate, celebrate and support your calling as you support theirs. Think of it as a modern “Christian Business Yellow Pages”, with several upgrades. YOUR NEXT STEP International Association of Ministries will encourage, support and do all the good we can to help your work grow and thrive. If you would like to apply simply click on one of the corresponding buttons. |