Watch a short video by Executive Director of IAM, Rev. Dave Harrison
Building the Will and Skill to Lead
Building the Will and Skill to Lead
Our mission is to seed and nourish a Biblical Leadership movement by challenging, attracting and equipping Christians to lead from a Biblical Worldview.
Our objectives are to clarify and increase participants understanding of the biblical worldview. To familiarize them with the competing world views increasingly dominating the American culture. To inspire and encourage a massive infusion of Christians equipped to lead and influence society and culture with biblically informed ideas, values and priorities. And, in partnership with other ministries and institutions, to sow the seeds of moral and spiritual revolution in American life and leadership.
Our objectives are to clarify and increase participants understanding of the biblical worldview. To familiarize them with the competing world views increasingly dominating the American culture. To inspire and encourage a massive infusion of Christians equipped to lead and influence society and culture with biblically informed ideas, values and priorities. And, in partnership with other ministries and institutions, to sow the seeds of moral and spiritual revolution in American life and leadership.
Who we are
We are like a school in that we teach and equip students to be global spiritual leaders. We are like a church in that we encourage and support spiritual formation and relationships. We are like a missionary society in that our goal is to send missionaries (Leaders) to start new "groups" throughout the world. We are like a para-church charity or ministry in that we help new need-meeting ministries to get started and grow.
Why we exist
We teach and explain the biblical worldview because only 4% of those who claim to be Christian know what it is.
Knowing "what" you believe and "why" produces greater confidence and stability, gives you wisdom and understanding, and enables you to make sense of the twists and turns of life and society. |
We develop leadership skills because Christians are called to lead the world.
Imagine a world where Christ reigns in the hearts of its leaders. Where both law and grace is applied fairly and justly. Where other religious persuasions and even atheists are respected and safe. If you can imagine that, you will love it here. If you can't, you need to be here. Nothing is impossible with God! We teach and promote a strategy to enable Christians to build a better world through spiritual multiplication because we are commanded to go and make disciples in every nation. |
Program schedule and details
The core program consists of FOUR terms totaling 22 weeks. Participants meet 1 1/2 - 2 hours weekly in groups of 10-12. The program focuses on Biblical Worldview studies and Missional Leadership Strategies. New classes are available quarterly.
Costs and Contributions
Tuition, Books and materials are within the budget of every serious student.
While tuition is minimal, scholarships and payment plans are available making it possible for every qualified applicant to complete the program. You will be a vital part of one year mission that will affect everything. Although CLI provides a strong educational emphases, our primary purpose is missional. Participants commit to advancing the Kingdom of God by helping to build a Biblical Leadership Movement in America. |