Welcome to the first 2020 edition of “IAM Family Update”. You will catch a glimpse of our IAM “vision”, meet Troy Albano and Robert Hodges, two powerful leaders in the movement. Also checkout, the Social Security article if you're thinking about opting out - some should consider it, others perhaps not, Family News & Needs...
A 2020 VISIONCommunity Partners ~ IAM Family Updates ~ Nonprofit Leaders ~ PRAY FOR... More...
_____________________ DISCIPLESHIP DUPLICATIONTroy & Nina Albano
Raising up kingdom stewards to advance God's Kingdom on earth... More... _____________________ NEW COMMUNITY PARTNERSRobert & Maria Hodges
Check out our newest Community Partner in the work of Christ. Tax free retirement can increase spendable income by 25%-50%, simply by using the right strategies. More... _____________________ OPTING OUT OF SOCIAL SECURITYFAMILY NEWS & NEEDSThere’s always a reason to celebrate, there’s always a way to help someone in need. More...
____________________ Notes and Quotes
What on earth are we doing anyway?
An estimated 350,000 religious congregations operate schools, pregnancy resource centers, soup kitchens, drug addiction programs, homeless shelters, and adoption agencies? These efforts serve 70 million Americans each year, and the value of their services are estimated at over $1 trillion annually. Note: good news bad news ... the “Good News is the Gospel is both a message and a ministry. The Church is doing the gospel in massive ways. However, Too few Americans are aware of this. Even if we are not supposed to “toot our own horn” , we can do a better job of “tooting each other’s ...” _____________ A LITTLE HUMOR