Do you know your potential? Decisions are being made by individuals and groups for and against Christ and America’s future. The most committed, the most courageous, the most united group will win the day. We have the numbers, we have the ability, we have the promises and presence of God. There are three essential requirements to achieve this. FIRST, WE MUST BELIEVE WE CAN! Perhaps the greatest threat to the Church and America’s future is the belief that an average Christian can’t make a difference! Have you herd of Mordecai Ham? How about Billy Graham? Billy Graham came to Christ in an evangelistic tent meeting led by Mordecai Ham. Several years later, in Los Angeles, thousands came to Christ in an evangelistic tent meeting led by Billy Graham. Have you ever herd of Edward Kimball? On a normal Sunday morning Edward Kimball, a “Lowly” Sunday school teacher, told Dwight L. Moody that God loved him, and Moody turned his life over to Christ. (Estimates vary, but Dwight L. Moody is thought to have led as many as a million people to Christ.) Have you ever heard of William Booth? How about the Salvation Army? William Booth grew up in poverty.... was apprenticed to a pawnbroker to earn a living. When he was about 15 a Methodist preacher shared the message and William came to Christ. He and his wife, Catherine after many years of struggle and failure, founded what today is The Salvation Army's 3,600 officers, 64,000 employees and 3.3 million volunteers serves nearly 30 million Americans in need. That's about one person every second. Might you be used of God to be the next evangelist like Dwight L. Moody and Billy Graham, or to start something like the Salvation Army? If your answer is, “no”, how do you know? Might you be used of God to stir the heart of someone that becomes the next Moody, Graham, or Booth? If your answer is “no”, or “I doubt it”, how do you know? Do you think any of these leaders knew how their lives and/or ministries would turned out? NO!, THEY DIDN’T, AND NEITHER DO WE! Some of us can lead many, some can lead a few, but everyone can lead someone. Leading isn’t a position it is a direction and no one knows the ultimate impact of our simple acts of obedient leadership. Zechariah, the Bible prophet said, “Do not despise small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.” Never underestimate your influence. Never underestimate your potential. The gifts and callings of God never change, so never let up, or give up leading, until Christ takes you up! You never know the outcome of your life and witness until that very second. Next month, The second element in changing the world... |