(Part 2.)
We must see and celebrate the potential greatness in others. All others, yes, but especially those who know and follow Christ. Everyone you encounter, yes everyone! Has the capacity to lead or assist a revolution. When you look at someone who is good looking, articulate, educated or rich; and think, “They are the answer, they are the future” you may be disappointed. When you look at a child, an average person, an ex con, a street person, a fat person, black person, or any other kind of person and see someone who has merit, and potential to change their world, perhaps the world, you have every reason to hope! Even our critics may one day join us.... I was an atheist. - An in your face atheist - for many years. I looked for Christians to badger, Yet one day my mother looked at me and said, “You are going to change and soon.” those words haunted me in the grave of my own unbelief until God showed me the ignorance and arrogance of my ways and I turned and became a friend of Christ and Christians everywhere. I was raised to newness of life in Christ with the help of my mother who never lost faith in God or me. A moral and spiritual revolution is still possible in America, but we can’t do it alone and on our own. Even Jesus built a team. You can do somethings for Christ, I can as well, but together we can do all things through Christ! When sufficient numbers with the will and skill to lead unite, revolution is inevitable! At this very moment, decisions are being made by individuals and groups for and against Christ and America’s future. The most committed, the most courageous, the most united group will win the day. We have the numbers, we have the ability, we have the promises and presence of God. We need only believe and the courage to lead. I believe in you., I believe in your Ministry. I also believe in your potential in Christ to change your world perhaps even the world, through Christ. More importantly God believes in you as well. You may sometimes feel alone like Elijah yet he wasn’t alone, God had over 7,000 who remained faithful. You may feel abandoned at times like Jesus did on the cross, yet the very disciples looking up to him on the cross and hearing , “My God My God why have you forsaken me”, went on to change the course of history because of him. You may die without seeing the fruit of your faith as Paul did, yet the multiplying effect of his and your simple witness and faith ripples throughout eternity. You may wonder if you mattered at all like many of the profits of God felt, yet your words live on in the lives of your friends and family. You may feel these things, but you are not alone. God is with you, your friends and family are with you. We are in this together. Let us therefore, go forth sowing the seeds of belief in ourselves and each other. Let us go forth bearing the precious seeds of faith in God’s faith in us. Let us change the world one step at a time and let us resolve never to let up or give up believing until God takes us up. Finally, take a moment and listen to THIS SONG entitled "You Say" by Lauren Daigle. In last months article, the focus was on our worth and potential, this one focused on the power of building this God given worth and potential in others, especially the house of faith. Next month, the final article in this series, will focus on the one most important and critical element needed if the Church in America and our nation's future is to thrive, maybe even survive. God bless you.. God believes in you and so do I. ______________ |