Hello everyone, welcome to the June Family Update. In this edition we celebrate the life and ministry of Bill Coibion of Forging Disciples, Flipcause gives us some simple funding ideas and of course there’s much more.
OF FORGING DISCIPLES Bill started his current ministry, like many do, as an IAM member then eventually became an Affiliate. More...
______________________________ IT TAKES A TEAM TO BUILD A TEAM
If you could look back on your life and remember how the Lord used you to change the lives of hundreds, thousands and maybe more. More...
______________________________ Thoughts on funding your ministry. More...
______________________________ FAMILY NEWS & NEEDSThere's always a reason to celebrate, there's always a way to help someone in need. More...
______________________________ Ministry summary due by June 30th. ______________________________ NOTES AND QUOTES
“It is not for us to know when or even precisely how the victories will be won. Our task and duty is simply to be faithful and obedient—to bear witness and do what is right . . . When things look bleak, we must not give up hope, for to yield to despair is to fail to trust in Jesus.” Dr. Robert George
_______________ 25 years ago we had as much as 12% of the adult population holding a biblical worldview, The current level is just More... ____________________________ A LITTLE HUMOR