Christianity is growing faster than the population“Globally, Christianity is growing at a 1.27% rate…. The world’s population, 7.7 billion, is growing at a 1.20% rate.” Many people believe Christianity is in decline. However, this statistic tells us that about 15,000 new people are coming to faith every day. Pentacostals and Evangelicals are the fastest growing branch of Christianity. Atheism is in declineDespite all the airtime atheism seems to get, the number of people who subscribe to this worldview is a very small number, and it’s getting smaller. “There are fewer atheists in the world today (138 million) than there were in 1970 (165 million).” Christianity is growing in popularity“In 1900, only 5.5% of non-Christians knew a Christian. Today, that has grown to 18.3%.” More people have heard the gospel now than ever before.“More than half of the world’s population in 1900 (54.3%) were unevangelized. That percentage continues to shrink, dropping to 28.4% in 2019.” MORE GOOD NEWS Christianity’s growth in Africa and Asia is explosive. On average, using data from The Status of Global Christianity, between 2000 to 2020, (7,300 days):