NOTES AND QUOTESIs America moving away from God and its Judeo-Christian Heritage? If yes, What can we do to nourish revival ? 72% of churches and senior pastors do not agree with the Bible and do not agree with its teachings."* (Barna Group survey of 384,000 churches and senior pastors.) 52% of American adults believe that Jesus was a great teacher and nothing more. And nearly a third (30%) of evangelicals also support that view, ... (State of Theology survey from Ligonier Ministries conducted with LifeWay Research) ___________________ Clearly a revival of faith in God and His word is paramount. When the people of God are moved by the Spirit of God to trust and obey the word of God revival will flow. ___________________ Americans who identify as atheist are the most likely group to be involved in political activism. When asked about political activity within the past 12 months, Atheist respondents
Evangelical respondents
(Ryan P. Burge of Eastern Illinois... Cooperative Congressional Election Survey Religion in Public.) Now to be fair, Christians believe the kingdom we seek is not of this world. Only when Jesus returns will we have a just and trustworthy Theocracy. However it is also true, What is politics? It is Leadership! Good, bad or ugly that is what it is and all it is. Note: In a country governed by the people for the people it is difficult to justify anything less than maximum involvement by Christians called to love. We believe in the way, truth and life of Christ. Love then is expressed in knowing the way, going the way and showing the way of Christ. I have failed to apply this reality in too many ways often in fear of controversy. “Lord grant us the wisdom and grace to find more ways to stand up for Christ, your Church and the American people, politics among them. In Jesus Name. |