The Enduring Power of Your TestimonyOf all the gifts you give, the messages you share, the love you show and the life you live nothing impacts people like how Christ changed your life. Your testimony reveals the greatest miracle in all of history. Our ministry points to how God loves people through us. Our testimony points to how Gods love can live within us. One focuses on the resource the other on the source. Both are needed but the other immeasurably more! This year 2021, let’s rethink our testimony both in terms of it description and priority in our lives and ministry. (Do your kids know it? Seriously, how many of your family and friends have actually herd your testimony?) Here’s an outline I have used over the years to teach believers how to prepare their testimony. The goal is to be ready to share it on three levels
There are many effective 10 second thought bombs as well. (Future topic) My Life Before Christ
Now that you’ve answered these questions, take a few minutes to write out your story as if you were telling it to someone. Note.... After over 50 years of life and ministry in Christ, my experience shows our testimony is powerful when shared with fellow Christians as well. Additionally, while some stories are dramatic like Paul’s, many, especially in America, may seem “unimpressive”. We are however, living in a culture where religion is equated with relationship. Many Americans who embrace the Christian religion have never been “Born again”, they may not even know you can have a personal, transforming relationship with Christ. How you came to Christ, for this group, is still impactful as is your growing relationship with Christ. |