Please pray with us for a national revival of marriage
Praying for Miracles in Marriages this February
Divorce has been linked to at least five of the 10 leading causes of death in America, according to a recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The Joint Economic Committee of Congress has just produced an important new study titled “The Demise of the Happy Two-Parent Home.”
The report exhaustively presents data showing the shocking collapse of marriage and traditional family in America....
In 1962, 71% of women ages 15-44 were married. By 2019, this was down to 42%. In 1962, 5% of women ages 30-34 had never been married. By 2019, this was up to 35%. In the 1960s, less than 1% of couples living together were not married. Today, it is over 12%. And the percentage of births to unmarried women has risen from 5% in 1960 to 40% in 2018. In 1970, 85% of children lived with two parents. By 2019, this was down to 70%.
According to statistics about fatherless homes, 90% of homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes; 71% of pregnant teenagers lack a father figure; 63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes; 71% of high school dropouts come from fatherless homes; and 70% of juveniles in state-operated institutions have no father. Furthermore, fatherless boys and girls are twice as likely to drop out of high school and twice as likely to end up in jail.” Author and Educator, Walter Williams
I have been repeatedly prompted to pray for miracles of healing in damaged and broken marriages and for a revival of marriage itself as a celebrated key to a healthy and prosperous society.
Other than the greatest miracle of being born again of the Spirit of Christ the restoration of the role of and healing in damaged and broken marriages may well be the next most important work of God in His Church and America in our times.
I would be honored and blessed if you and your partners in ministry would join me in this prayer focus during the month of February.