In a survey conducted between Nov. 4 and 16, 2020, an overwhelming majority (between 63%-85%) of Democratic Voters in the last presidential election:
Are not “deeply committed to practicing” religion (56%)
Believe that "The Holy Spirit is not a living entity but is a symbol....” (68%)
Reject the notion that "God is the all-powerful, all-knowing, perfect and just creator of the universe who rules that universe today" (63%)
Believe that "a person who is generally good, or does enough good things for others, will earn a place in Heaven. (72%)
Reject the Bible as the inspired word of God. (67%)
Believe " moral truth is up to each individual; there are no moral absolutes that apply to everyone, all the time." (75%)
Reject the idea that only those who have confessed their sins and accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior will go to Heaven when they die.(85%)
Generally do not believe in the need to be born again/traditional definition of salvation (85%)
"The Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University in-depth report about its 2020 Post-Election Survey"
Notes: This also means from 15%-45% do not believe as their majority. While no political party appears to be shining brightly for Christ, the current political leadership, largely rejects historic Judo-Christian beliefs and values. Good people regardless of party, endeavor to influence and lead based on their beliefs, therefore we can expect increasingly aggressive efforts by current leaders, to move Society away from Christ and Christianity as we know it.
This should not surprise nor frighten us.
This must not turn us against each other as Christians. People act and react consistently with their beliefs. Let us act and react in trusting obedience to the way, the truth and the life of Christ as a witness to what we believe.
Let us not, however, underestimate the battle before us. We must unite to fight the good fight of faith.
Celebrate every effort by every true Christ follower to stand up for the truth.
We must also resist every “fleshy” response, first to fellow Christ followers we may disagree with and further, to political opponents.
We can curse the darkness or turn on the light! Let us choose the light!