Urgently share the Gospel with a world in need of Hope. Your gift will be used where most needed in the work of International Association of Ministries, Inc.
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4.0 Reaction Ministries4.0 Reaction Ministries is a life skills course that provides the youth of God's community ages 12 to 24 in establishing career skills in the automotive industry. These skills will allow them to provide an income for their families and build their faith in Christ Jesus.
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Agapelove for Kids (email: [email protected])Our events are created for kids whose parents do not go to church regularly. We offer Bibles, bible stories, clothes, toys , puppet shows, and holiday events to serve the children with Jesus' Love.
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A ministry creating a safer community by dismissing ignorance and replacing it with insite. A safe and fun friendly introduction to the basic knowledge skills and attitude necessary for using a handgun, safely, compliantly and competently. Guns are the excuse, but Christ is the objective.
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Using creative arts to connect the heart and mind of those living with Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive impairments
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Broken People Ministries (email [email protected])"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart -- These, O God, You will not despise." Psalm 51:17
A restoration ministry to broken people through mentoring, pastoral counseling, and teaching life-giving principles from God's Word. Donate Now |
Chaplains Care Mission (email [email protected])Assisting veterans who cannot afford to live the life they deserve, by providing
* homeless intervention program * shelter for involuntarily displaced or may lose their family * post-traumatic stress disorder and readjustment counseling * transportation and financial care Donate Now |
CBR facilitates small group relationships of similar type Christian business and professional people that provide support for each other in daily prayer and as business advisors offering their support, encouragement, wisdom and accountability to grow in their spiritual journey with the Lord.
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City Gates PrayWe equip, organize and mobilize communities to assemble in prayer; lifting up those without Christ, our churches, neighbors, families and community leaders. Our prayer is that all will grasp how deep and immeasurable the impact of "remaining steadfast in prayer" is, in this lost and hurting world.
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Challenging, attracting and equipping Christians to lead from a Biblical Worldview MORE...
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Convergent (email [email protected])Exploring the frontier where faith-based values, technology and future generations converge to equip individuals to impact their communities.
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C.O.R.E. (California Offender Re-entry Enterprise)C.O.R.E. is Faith-Based, Comprehensive and uses a Coach Approach. We are Changing the Atmosphere of Re-entry Worldwide - One Individual, One Organization, One Institution, One Community, One Region, One State, One Nation at a Time! And the Time is Now!
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Dan Pantano Ministries (email [email protected])Beginning ministry as a Singer/Songwriter in the 1970's, Dan served in the '80's to 2000's as a pastor, worship leader and church planter. He has ministered in a dozen states in North America, six European countries, China and Peru. Back in IAM's early days, Dan and Dave co-founded IAM. Currently, he serves on our Board of Directors, assists our ministries assimilate into IAM, is a guest speaker and teacher, and oversees the IAM website.
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Dave Harrison Ministries (email [email protected])Dave is the Executive Director of IAM and Christian Leadership Institute.
He, along with Dan is a co-founder of IAM. Donate Now |
Discipleship DuplicationRaising up Kingdom Stewards to bring God's Kingdom on earth.
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Father/Daughter Production (email [email protected])You are the star of your life's story. We capture positive stories of overcoming challenges and celebrating God's fingerprints in order to help encourage and motive others, leaving a legacy through media.
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Flowers for EldersOne of the riches God has blessed us with are flowers. In every delicately designed blossom, you can behold God's amazing creativity. We bring God's floral creations to those who are in convalescent hospitals.
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Forging Disciples (email [email protected])We disciple men to become a dedicated SON to Him. Men can be the Husband, Father and Servant that He wants.
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Freedom Bound CommunicationsBringing Hope and Healing to a sexually broken and wounded world.
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Grace For Others (email [email protected])Serving through a relationship with Jesus Christ by meeting physical needs for food, clothing, friendship, recovery from addictions, incarceration, and victimization.
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Hearts Landing (email [email protected])Restoring Lives & Rescuing Horses Hearts Landing Ranch Exists to Restore Broken and Emotionally Wounded Youth by Building a Healthy Community with Them and Around Them, using the Horse Ranch as a Structured Environment to Come Alongside to Mentor and Heal. Building a Community to Reach a Community -- "It is often the equine therapy program that provides the most effective breakthroughs in the restoration of the emotional health and self worth of troubled teens." - Tim Hayes
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His Magnificence Christian Ministries (email [email protected])We are walking in the balance of the Spirit by ministry to the Body of Christ’s leaders, and raising up new leaders who will be faithful, anointed and growing in Christ.
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His Streets Ministries ([email protected])We are a ministry that supportts churches, ministries, organizations and businesses to reach a ommunity that is in desperate need: clothes, food, furniture and spiritual healing!
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Hope, Healing and HelpA faith based outreach that provides insight about the grief journey and comfort for the bereaved. We also have a radio program that gives you Hope for the future, Healing for your grief and Help on your journey. Listen from anywhere: www.iHeart.com or www.KFIA.com
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Kingdom Lifestyle Ministries (email [email protected])“Living life God’s way” We have a passion for establishing Kingdom Culture in the life of the believer through love, lifestyle and character, teaching that Christians belong to a higher unique “culture” of Heaven. Jesus' allegiance was to the Kingdom of God, with a culture of its own.
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Jana & Tim Krumal
Legacy Classical AcademyWe educate using a Christian worldview to reach the next generation for Christ. Our model includes mentorship of each child as an individual allowing them to discover what God has uniquely in store for them as they go forth into His world.
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Make It Count ([email protected])A group of kids has a place to belong. We teach a work ethic, how to choose a positive attitude, respect, responsibility, integrity, opportunity and rewards.
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Men U for Transformed LivesHelping men experience transformed lives through discipleship and spiritual growth. Books, speaking engagements, and consulting including: retreats, breakfasts, and workshops.
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Overcomers Christian Counseling (email [email protected])We help people be Overcomers through Christ and victorious Children of Light. We offer professional counseling led by the Spirit of Christ. Relationships, family, career, addictions, stress, abuse, and health-related issues. Christians overcoming deep personal wounds and issues that have tried numerous other approaches with very limited success.
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P.A.R.T.Y.P.A.R.T.Y. (Prevent Alcohol and Risk-Rrelated Trauma in Youth) is a program designed to promote injury prevention through reality education. We focus mainly on freshmen and sophomores enabling them to recognize risks and make informed choices about activities and behaviors.
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Experience Thru Music - The Life Changing Power of Love
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Riverside Christian ChurchWe have a passion for making disciples, equipping Christians, teaching apologetics and eschatology, and evangelism. We desire to make much of Jesus and share the good news of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world.
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Serve Partnerships UnlimitedConnecting, Equipping and Mobilizing Christ followers to serve, as one Body, the physical and spiritual needs of our communities.
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Teen Mom Connection (email [email protected])Teen Mom Connection provided a mentor who paved the way for me. Not only did I give my life to Jesus, I didn't know who He was before my involvement in TMC. I am now the Kid's Pastor at my home church and I assumed the role of directing TMC. We are doing some new things and keeping some of the old. We now partner with the Elk Grove Unified School District's "Teen Mom Program" and a federal program called "First Time Mommies".
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The Dokimos ProjectMinistering to those in the marketplace.
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We currently reach over 12 million potential viewersship with THE REAL DEAL TV with BARB, a radio show in greater Sacramento area and 130 countries. Barb Marshall is all about powering you up with the plans that God has for you! ...to fulfill and dare you to believe big. ...get to know your destiny, activate your faith, refine and excel...
Pastor Patience Jackson and Apostle David Jackson